Minggu, 24 April 2011

Conspiracy Behind the Japanese Second Tsunami

After I discussed earlier about the Japanese tsunami conspiracy only through the Illuminati Card Game card. Now I want to explain the problem HAARP, a U.S. weapons which in rumor was a cause of the Japanese tsunami.

Maybe there among you who do not know about HAARP?

I will discuss a little bit about this HAARP.

Prior to the issue of this weapon out former White House security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski called once wrote in his book "Between Two Ages". In his book, he writes: 

"The technology will provide a technique to conduct a secret war that only requires a little troop of force, such as techniques to modify the weather that can cause prolonged storm." 

The United States has succeeded in making an ultimate weapon that will bring victory to them in any battle and bring it into the sole ruler of the world. I mean the weapon is a facility that can be used to manipulate the weather and climate so as to create disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis in the desired place is Harrp. 

So if the first if you want to create a tsunami should thermonuclear bomb to blow up the ocean floor, it is not necessary anymore because there Harrp more efficient and neat as controlled remotely.

(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)

What is the HAARP? 

HAARP is an investigation project that aims to "understand, stimulate, and control ionospheric processes that can alter the performance of communication and surveillance system". Started in 1992.

Who is using HAARP? 

This project undertaken jointly by the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy Air Force, and the University of Alaska.


It is said that this project is similar to several ionospheric heaters spread across the world and has a large portion of diagnostic instruments that facilitate its use to increase scientific understanding of ionospheric dynamics. Although feared would be used as a weapon of mass destruction, the scientists involved in Aeronomy, space science, or plasma physics theory ignores these fears as unfounded.

What is the Ionosphere? 

Ionosphere is the top and most important in our earth's atmosphere. Ionosphere is very important because he chaya radiation filter to avoid direct sun fell to earth. Ionosphere plays a role in regulating the levels of electricity in the atmosphere and forms the core of the edge of the magnetosphere. Ionosphere also has other uses for humans, which affects radio waves from distant places on Earth.

Where HAARP placed? 

HAARP is located in Alaska, USA. More precisely HAARP in Gakona, Alaska (latitude: 62.39, longitude: 145.15) which is located in the west of the National Park Wrangell-Saint Elias.
The environmental impact caused by HAARP trigger permit statement for an array of up to 180 antennas to be erected.

What function of HAARP? 

The purpose of this program is to further advance in the study of the physical and electrical properties of the earth that can be used in the future facilitate military communications. But other than that, HAARP can also set the weather through the ionosphere, such as making rain, storms, tsunamis, and many are not yet known.

HAARP it works by heating the ionosphere that is in the heavens so that it can manipulate the state of the surrounding sky. With these advantages, HAARP was used as a military necessity.

So what relation Harrp with the Japanese tsunami? 
What might the U.S. use Harrp to attack japan? 

Instead thought I should tell you that nonsense, let's take a look together HAARP website to see if there is evidence that ran parallel with the theories konspirasi.kemudian you can judge for yourself. HAARP site is located at the following address: 
look on 5-10 March 2011

Based on these results, there is almost no sign of electromagnetism from March 5 to 8. On Wednesday, March 9, HAARP showed a large spike in the frequency of the signal Magnetometer. This intensity is maintained on March 10 as well. On March 11, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, looks like:

HAARP activity from March 9 to March 11 was in hard labor.
Is a sudden ionospheric disturbances driven by modification of high power radio transmitter and backscatter radio waves of HAARP results in intense disturbance of the earth's magnetosphere?
HAARP reactions always lead to a strange light in the sky or fog.
Previously let's look at the sky conditions in China during a strong earthquake, in report caused by Haarp..

Compare with sky conditions in Japan before the tsunami arrived.

What might the cause of Japanese tsunami caused by HAARP U.S. Military project?
Even if it is true then what motive the U.S. do it?
Is there convincing evidence that the U.S. is involved in the tragedy of the Japanese tsunami?

All the questions that I will discuss further in the next post but first do not forget to comment?.

I only show the data that I obtained.
Let your own to make assessment  about it. And check of other references..

Video which Proof Of the WTC tragedy is Engineered as camouflage USA government to accuse muslim as terrorist

Breaking news. Already discussed Previous WTC tragedy that is engineered conspiracy or just to have a reason for the United States could attack Afganisthan and Iraq. As we know the United States is its own ambitions to dominate the world's oil.( For those who have not read can be viewed here ).
But from the comments that go there are those who doubt the awkwardness photo of the WTC tragedy. Because of that I will show the awkwardness of the WTC tragedy on video. Before you hear, make sure the volume on your computer is louder and let us look carefully when the video of the explosion at the WTC. 

Actually WTC tragedy can be guessed that was bogus video by just looking at surveillance cameras across the WTC Security cameras at a petrol heading across the I-135, a surveillance camera on the roof of Hilton International Hotels and a surveillance camera at the Virginia Department of Transportation Department should also record the crash scene on Interstate 135 government buildings it. Unfortunately, shortly after the incident, federal agents trigger appears to take footage of the three surveillance cameras. Until now, the contents of the videotape third never show up to the public.

The real tragedy is actually a bomb has been placed inside the WTC and a plane just crashed into terrorist edits.

Watch this video with carefully..
The aircraft can enter to penetrate into the building like a ghost and exploded once it is inside the building. What is not strange ???

Here is video coverage of the WTC tragedy and theory irregularities by the local media. 

look at the picture of the building before the video aired below.

The plane crashed into the twin towers. Buildings around the twin towers exploding part is still considered reasonable because the debris hit the building. 
But see WTC Building 7 is colored purple. 
The building was not hit and did not hit a plane crash debris of the building but what I can to explode. what not weird is that? 

if it is less clear .. 
The following video is in the incidence plane crashed into slow .. 


Still less clear .. 
Now we enlarge the form of plane 
take a look at one of the wings on the plane suddenly disappeared. 
It is strange huh? What might be wrong edit yah .. 

Still confused as well? How do I make the shadow visible plane crashed into the building? 
This video will explain how to make it

Are we remember with the American president John Fitzgerald Kennedy? 
Who died were killed for being shot in the head. Why JFK was killed? 
Clearly there is a role Zionists behind the JFK assassination. 

Let's hear JFK's speech that tells us that there will be a big conspiracy or in other words a bit to tell us the truth about the tragedy of 911. 


After seeing all that what you believe is Osama bin Laden / Islam who do this all the ? it's actually from nonsense of conspiracy for ignorant people who trust to media (TV)??

The False Messiah (Dajjal) Has Appeared as racist regime?

Breaking news. Really? a Dajjal army has emerged? The question was raised when Israel introduced the "Kfir" which is an elite Israeli brigades Defenses Force (IDF). The symbol like one eye in outside jet.

This brigade was formed as the "900th Brigade" or Brigade 900, which is included in the most elite unit of the IDF infantry unit under the Ministry of Defense of Israel.

Brigade Kfir berada di bawah komando Divisi 162 (Utzvat Haplada). Nama asli Brigade adalah "KFR", karena sistem tidak mengenali huruf Ibrani vokal. 

Gaya ini juga merupakan kesatuan anti-teroris yang paling efektif di negara Israel. Tidak hanya itu, maskapai penerbangan Israel bernama IAI yang bekerja sama dengan Pemerintah badan juga telah meluncurkan pejuang bernama Kfir.

They should already know the true meaning of the word with the Kfir. So if pride is what makes them calling themselves Pagans (not believing in god) or any other reason? 

Prophet Muhammad once said that the physical characteristics of the Beast, in addition to the one-eyed, in the forehead there is also the Arabic alphabet "Ka Fa Ra" or Gentile. 

Kafir means "not believing". Dajjal and his followers do not believe in Allah, because they believe in the devil or Lucifer. 

In another hadith, the Prophet also said that the Dajjal will lead an army which numbered 70,000 troops. And in another hadith also mentioned that Dajjal has one eye only. Consider the image below:

So true that Dajjal army has emerged? What does the apocalypse is near?
To be sure only God knows ...

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